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    How To Install A Floating TV Shelf
    Home Appliances

    How To Install A Floating TV Shelf

    March 18, 2023

    Installing a floating TV shelf is a great way to create additional space in your home. Floating shelves are perfect for small spaces because they provide extra storage without taking up valuable floor space. Plus, they’re easy to install and can be customized to fit your specific needs.

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    Here’s how to install a floating TV shelf in your home:

    – Choose the location for your shelf. The shelf should be installed at least 12 inches below the ceiling and should be level with the TV.

    – Mark the location of the shelf on the wall using a pencil.

    – Drill holes into the wall at the marked locations.

    – Insert the wall anchors into the drilled holes.

    -  Attach the shelf brackets to the wall anchors.

    – Place the shelf on the brackets.

    – Hang the TV on the shelf.

    That’s it! You’ve successfully installed a floating TV shelf in your home.

    A floating TV shelf is a great way to add a little extra storage to your home without taking up any extra floor space. Plus, it looks really cool! Here’s how to install one in your home.

    – Start by measuring the wall where you want to install the shelf. You’ll need to know the width of the shelf and the distance from the top of the shelf to the bottom of the TV.

    – Cut a piece of wood to the appropriate size. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can always ask a friend or family member who is handy with tools.

    – Use a drill to create holes in the piece of wood. These holes will be used to attach the shelf to the wall.

    – Insert the screws into the holes and tighten them until the shelf is secure.

    – Place your TV on the shelf and enjoy!

    Installing a floating TV shelf is a quick and easy way to add some extra storage to your home. Plus, it looks great! Follow the steps above to install one in your own home.


    Funny Love Stories That Gives You That Fuzzy Feeling

    July 25, 2018

    Love stories are supposed to be full of romance, seduction and enduring love. As these funny love stories show, however, these stories can also be filled with laughter. Fortunately, shared laughter is a great way to strengthen the bond between couples so go ahead and laugh!

    Just Say It Already!

    This is one of those funny stories with moral lessons at the end with the lesson being: Just say it already!

    Joe wanted to pop the big question to Jane but was undecided on how to say it. Their dialogue went like this:

    Joe: “Jane, can I ask you a question?”

    Jane: “Yes, Joe.”

    Joe: “It is such a great thing to be a bachelor but there comes a time when a man needs somebody who will make him feel like a hero, who will love him in an unconditional manner, and who will be true to him at all times.”

    Jane: “I understand and I agree. Let’s go get you a puppy.”

    Fuzzy feelings, indeed, thanks to one of the most hilarious funny love stories due to misunderstandings! Well, of course, Joe eventually found the courage to ask the right question but not before getting a good laugh out of it.

    Choose a Prize

    Yet another of the funny stories with moral lessons, this time for women, is the story of the man with a collection of teddy bears. A woman meets a handsome, successful and funny man in a bar. After a few drinks, they were ready for their nightcap by going to the man’s apartment.

    In his apartment, the woman was surprised to find that the man had a collection of teddy bears stocked in a floor-to-ceiling shelf inside the bedroom. She was amazed at his sensitive side and so decided to go all the way. And this is where one of the funny love stories takes off.

    Afterwards, the woman asks the man how it was. The man turned to her and said, “Take a teddy bear from the higher part of the shelf.” Why? Because the higher parts contained the priciest teddy bears in the man’s collection. And they lived happily ever after. That is, until someone else came along.